During a ten-year sojourn in Baghdad, Bahíyyih Khánum “grew into a beautiful girl, very much like her lovely mother in grace of body and character, a gentle, slender maiden with large grey-blue eyes, golden-brown hair, and warm, ivory-colored skin. Her sense of humour was keen and her intelligence remarkable.” (‘The Chosen Highway’ by Lady Blomfield)
Lady Blomfield who interviewed Bahíyyih Khánum writes about her decision to remain unmarried and the reason behind it: “As she grew up, she implored her Father to allow her to remain unmarried, that she might the better devote herself to her three dearly loved ones. [1] And so it was.” Lady Blomfield then recounts what she had heard from an old man, a friend of Bahá’u’lláh, Who had once said to him: “I know no man worthy to marry such purity as my daughter.” In response to her question, “Khánum must have been very lovely?” The man had said: “I have been told so; naturally, I never saw her.” (‘The Chosen Highway’ by Lady Blomfield)
- Baharieh Rouhani Ma’ani (‘The Greatest Holy Leaf’s unparalleled role in religious history and the significance of the Arc, the site of her resting place’, Presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #121 [English], Louhelen Bahá'í Center: Davison, Michigan, USA, October 10–13, 2013 published in Lights of Irfan, volume 15)
[1] Her parents, Bahá’u’lláh and Ásíyih Khánum, and her
brother, 'Abdu’l- Bahá