Oct 1, 2024

“Her patience, her magnanimity, her indiscriminating benevolence”; “the spirit of confident hope, of deep-rooted optimism that beamed upon her serene countenance”; “the brightness of her saintly face”; “the composure of her gracious and dignified behaviour”

How grievous was the ingratitude, how blind the fanaticism, how persistent the malignity of the officials, their wives, and their subordinates, in return for the manifold bounties which she, in close association with her Brother, so profusely conferred upon them! Her patience, her magnanimity, her indiscriminating benevolence, far from disarming the hostility of that perverse generation, served only to inflame their rancour, to excite their jealousy, to intensify their fears. The gloom that had settled upon that little band of imprisoned believers, who languished in the Fortress of Akká, contrasted with the spirit of confident hope, of deep-rooted optimism that beamed upon her serene countenance. No calamity, however intense, could obscure the brightness of her saintly face, and no agitation, no matter how severe, could disturb the composure of her gracious and dignified behaviour. 

- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated 17 July 1932; ‘Baha’i Administration’)